G'day! Nice little release here from simPRO, with some features I think many of us have been hanging out for. As usual, I'll focus on what I think are the most important and relevant features for most businesses.
Per Item Details on Purchase Orders
You can now add notes and due dates per item on purchase orders. Simply toggle the switch next to due date and you're away. Here are some use cases:
Ordering items in different colours/lengths/variations
This is great if you need to order items such as paint, roof sheets, gutters, fixtures etc, which come in different variations, but which are otherwise identical. Previously you would have had to create separate catalogue items for each colour / variation, or entered detailed supplier notes to the bottom of the order, which could have easily been misinterpreted. Now, you can simply add the colour or variation to the line item itself.
Item-specific delivery instructions
Need one item dropped off and the others picked up? Want to make sure they handle an item in a certain way? No problem.
Private Notes
The per item notes don't have to display on your outgoing purchase order forms. This means you can use the function for internal use only if you prefer.
Toggle this on or off via Setup > Forms > Purchase Orders > PDF Templates.
Due Date Alerts
Heads up! If using due dates per line item, the overdue purchase order alerts and status changes will NOT currently be triggered by overdue items. It will only be triggered by the purchase order due date. So if some of the items are not received by their due date but the overall due date of the order has not been reached, it will not show up in alerts.
Automatic Declutter
No more expired quotes piling up indefinitely in your list of open quotes. Let's face it, if they're expired, they are closed. Neat freaks rejoice!
Simply go to Setup > Archive Reasons > Quotes / Jobs and set your automatic archive triggers and reasons.
Overdue jobs without any activity for 30 days can also be set to automatically shuffle themselves off to the graveyard. Simply go to Setup > Defaults to enable these settings.
If either opportunities want to be re-activated, you can always change the stage of an archived job to Pending or In-Progress, or find your archived quote and click Options > Re-Open Quote.