This is a pretty substantial release. Let's take a closer look at how to get the most of the updates.
Form Builder Gets a boost!
Some nice added functionality added to Form Builder, with a preview button and additional fields available. Let's look at those fields first:
Salesperson / Project Manager Details
These include:
Fields for salesperson and managers are both now conditional on quotes. No salesperson or manager on this quote? No worries, the data between the conditional loops won't display.
Images and signatures for both for salesperson and logged in employee.
Which means you can now add a nice personal touch to your quotes:
Job Attachments
Job images have moved! They are now displayed at the job level under the subheading Job Image, rather than from the job card level.
I'm confused as to why they removed the images from the job card section, as it can be useful to have the images from a particular person's visit displayed on the job card, separate to the rest of the public attachments. Nevertheless, you can now display all public attachments from the job on your job forms.
Preview a Form Builder template with dummy data
Ah, the relief! No more back and forth between form templates and quotes, jobs or invoices trying to debug a loop or adjust some formatting.
Beware, though, that not all dummy data will fit every business perfectly. If you have very specific output requirements, I still recommend a final check with one of your actual projects. Two tabs / windows is usually best for that.
more general form builder functionality
Set default Form Builder templates for quotes, jobs and invoices for individual customers.
Set default Form Builder templates for the customer portal.
Multi-company users can now copy templates from one company to another.
The End (of connect) is Nigh
The last part of the update I'm going to note is the ability to restrict users from signing in to Connect. If you're using simPRO Mobile and don't want staff sneaking off to Connect, you can now turn that permission off in the Settings tab of their employee / contractor file.
In case you haven't seen the writing on the wall, Connect is being replaced by simPRO Mobile and will soon be phased out entirely.