Couple of interesting ones here.
Mandatory Fields for Customers
As of September 11, 2022, you will now be able to make customer profiles, customer groups and customer tags mandatory.
For businesses that classify their customers, this is a big deal, as the category is often missed when creating the customer, and then it's some poor sod's job to keep an eye out for missed data or trawl the customer database to find and update them. Not any more!
Why should you classify your customers? For better reporting. Customer profiles, groups, and tags all function in a similar way, except for the fact that you can assign multiple tags, whereas a customer can only have one group or profile. Either way, you're able to apply market segmentation in order to give you better insight when reporting.
You can even combine profiles, groups or tags to drill down further into cross-categories and subsegments. When combined with cost centres and project tags, it forms a comprehensive way to filter your reports.
Examples of customer groups, profiles and tags:
Market: Domestic / Commercial / Government
Industry: Mining / Construction / Agriculture
Rank: Gold / Silver / Platinum
Source: Google / Word of mouth / Facebook / Other
Alerts: Priority Customer / Do Not Call
Scheduled Reports in CSV Format
A very handy update for those who like their data raw or who want to integrate their reports with other apps such as spreadsheets, reports or charting tools. If you're clever, you can use these with other tools like Zapier to automatically update those where compatible.
This also enables another update Pro Suite aims to roll out this year to enable more visualisation of standard SimPRO Reports.